Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dialectical Journal

Pg. 13 line 168 "...but the throne itself, the treasure-seat, he was kept from approaching; he was the Lord's outcast."
This represents christianity because the throne is blessed and Grendal is cursed which means he cannot touch the throne which also plays into Good vs. Evil. It could also show Banishment because god has cursed Grendal so he cannot be like normal poeple and enjoy people things.

Pg. 25 line 349 "I am ready and willing to report my errand." Pg. 31 line 435 "... to heighten Hygelac's fame..."
These lines show that Beowulf wants to fight Grendal only for fame. He refers to it as an errand, something he is doing not because he simply wants to help the Danes but if he wins he will have more to boast about. It also fits into the theme of the duties of Warriors.

Pg. 27 line 380 "with the strength of thirty in the grip of each hand."
Hrothgar says he has heard this about Beowulf. Thirty is the same number of men Grendal killed earlier which means that Beowulf is twice the match for Grendal.

Pg. 27 line 393 "My lord... bids me announce that he knows your ancestry."
This is another line showing that the main reason that Hrothgar let Beowulf and his man in because Beowulf is famous and his men have nice weapons. If they weren't famous and were poor would he have let them in? What if poor weak men came and killed Grendal when he couldn't? that would give him a bad image which represents the theme of pride, it's okay for him to have another man fight his battle against Grendal becaue Beowulf is famous and "formidable"

Pg. 29 lines 408-424 "When I was younger, I had great triumphs... (Their enemies brought it upon themselves, I destroyed them.)"
This is the beginging of Beowulf's epic boast. Which represents his pride.

1 comment:

  1. Good comments. Question - Beowulf claims to come and win Hygelac fame? Why? Why is this important and what does it tell us about Beowulf and/or the culture?
